
Ascorp, comprometidos con la educación

ASCORP- Committed to professional technical education

ASCORP is part of the 39 companies committed to developing better opportunities and tools for the training of future professionals in the Antofagasta Region.
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Charla ventas tácticas HCA Minería

ASCORP Presents a tactical sales in mining talk as part of the 2023 commercial meeting organized by HCA Minería

Ascorp participated in this training session and business meeting together with one of our oldest clients, HCA MINERÍA.
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Capacitación apoyo

Digital Marketing strategy for American Mine Door, United States

In order to enhance the Digital Marketing strategy for our client in the United States, American Mine Door (AMD), we have…
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Capacitacion de tácticas de ventas

First edition of sales tactics traning for the mining industry

We are very happy to finish the first edition of the training on sales tactics for mining, which was dictated in alliance with Portal Minero.
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Capacitaciones presenciales Ascorp

Resuming our Face-to-face trainings

Little by little we have been resuming our face-to-face trainings. In this opportunity, Northtek, a company that provides services…
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Experiencias con amigos Ascorp

Sharing experiences with our friends from Prochile

We firmly believe that collaborative work is the engine for the economic and social development of our region and also…
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