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Corporate Events

At Ascorp, we understand the importance of corporate events not just as business meetings but as unique opportunities to strengthen bonds, share knowledge, and celebrate achievements. Our comprehensive corporate event service is designed to ensure every aspect of your event is memorable, professional, and fully aligned with your company’s goals.

Eventos Corporativos

Scope of Service

Selección de locación

Venue Selection

We choose the perfect venue for your event, with agreements in hotels throughout Chile, ensuring an exceptional environment and smooth management.

Logistics and Marketing

We handle the logistics and marketing of your event, ensuring flawless execution and effective campaigns to attract the right guests.

Foto de logística

Invitation and Confirmation Management

We implement a modern registration system to manage invitations and confirmations, ensuring optimal attendance at your event.

Foto networking

Comprehensive Assistance

We provide complete assistance before, during, and after the event, ensuring a memorable and professional experience for all attendees.

Inquire About the Service